ALBUM REVIEW: Mayhemic – Toba

After some killer singles / demos / EPs and splits; Chilean Black-Thrash Metal maniacs MAYHEMIC will deliver their debut album via Sepulchral Voice Records on July 26th.

Blistering riffs envelop you with sulphurous fire from the onset, charing malevolent and arcane energy with triumph. Their scolding guitars and pulverising drum attack is merciless and proves that this band intend on hitting with their full force as the sepulchrally spewed vocals add more evil to the mix. Speaking of the mix, the raw yet clear assault of visceral chaos is perfectly presented in true old school fashion as their lacerating songs send sonic razors flying in every direction. Gripping you like you are entwined in rusted barbed wire, Mayhemic will have any Black-Thrash adorer instantly hooked with their opening tracks of furious carnage, proving “Toba” is worth sticking around for with the volume cranked to eleven. Unless you are a total poser, in which case you should run away now before it gets tougher on your weak skull…

Naturally one can hear all of the molten influences from Sodom, Destruction, Kreator, Nifelheim, Desaster and Aura Noir in all of their glories. But equally, we can hear Mayhemic, who have developed their sound over smaller releases like people did back in the day, so that their debut album would be nothing short of blazing glory. As we sink into the pits of hell, the heat goes up and so does the intensity with the band playing with the energy of sledgehammers striking anvils ’til the sparks form an inferno. This sacrilegious soundscape is utterly frantic and yet their playing feels tight and rehearsed. Piercing with the accuracy of a spear while bludgeoning like a mace, every element from the drumming to the riffs and leads to the vocals all feel absolutely refined and unified to deliver chaos and violence. Although savage and gritty, there are some melodic and dynamic moments too, Mayhemic doesn’t rely only on brutality and clearly have plentiful abilities while keeping it strictly Extreme Metal. This balance is engaging and bewitching with every force of dark magic you could hope for.

Ravaging all in their path like a storm of malevolence, this album remains an endeavour in true barbarity from start to end. Everything feels direct at all times, unfettered by pretentious showmanship or masquerading as something more than pure Black-Thrashing brilliance. This honest, to the bones and totally old school undergrounder mentality is something that will always demand respect and deservedly so. The music thrusts itself at you and you choose whether you manically bang your head and join the ferocity, or walk away in disgrace as you seek false metallic mockeries. Upholding tradition and yet surging forward at most impressive rates, Mayhemic fly the flag of hate. If you enjoy being bombarded with pure force, then this album is undeniably for you. The ripping energy in every second is true and contagious with not a moment wasted on anything but the highest impact Black Thrash Metal might.

A crushing and spectacular debut album that was worth the wait and anticipation. Each prior release was killer and yet has definitely led to this glorious moment as the band unveil their striking and remorseless full album debut. South America never seems to fail when it comes to playing primitive and evil Heavy Metal and Mayhemic adhere to such a rule. Their lawless and unbound hellfire reigns supreme and you must not miss out on such an underground gem!

Rating: 8 out of 10.

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