ALBUM REVIEW: Master’s Call – Morbid Black Trinity

Here I review the new EP from UK Blackened Death Metal band MASTER’S CALL!

  1. From Once Beneath The Cursed draws itself into fruition with blasting drums and ferocious riffs followed quickly by howling vocals that all come together into a frenzied assault of purely menacing Black Metal. The hideously heavy aggression from the band is absolute with a combination of atmosphere and melody to balance things out gorgeously. The punishing grind of the song is incredibly intense and crushingly brutal. A fantastic concoction of darkness and turmoil fed with extremity. This is some truly fierce music, excellent work!
  2. The Spire Cranes opens with more ambience, adding to the eerie vibe of the music.  Catchy riffs filled with groove and punchy drums soon follow suit with totally killer production. The thrashing sections lead us into cascades of insanely tense Blackened Death Metal without missing a beat. Total chaos is delivered but in a precise and well executed manner that has clearly had plentiful thought and preparation go into it. Another brilliant track!
  3. My Eyes Are The Night is the finale to this trilogy of tracks. Starting with a grisly combination of bleak riffs and precise drums this piece feels like another incredibly dark one. Upbeat dissonance and more howled vocals soon bombard us with full force once more. A hammering assault of extremity but with melody and atmosphere again. A gorgeously rich slab of Heavy Metal with nothing held back. Glorious!

This EP contains some devastatingly heavy Black Metal with Death Metal elements too. Crushing darkness and fantastic musicianship is all present on this short but incredible release. I certainly hope to hear more from Master’s Call. -9/10

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